Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement - 2022

1. Purpose and Commitment

Hyperreal Enterprises Ltd. (“Hyperreal”) is committed to preventing
acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within our
business and supply chain. We will not tolerate any form of modern
slavery or human trafficking in our operations and supply chains. We
take this commitment to seriously and actively work to devise,
implement and maintain reasonable assurance and detection strategies.

This statement describes our business structure, relevant policies and
ongoing efforts to reduce the possibility that slavery and human
trafficking occur in our operations or global supply chains. We will
continue to monitor these risks within our business and supply chain
and adjust or enhance our anti-slavery and human trafficking
initiatives accordingly.

2. About Hyperreal – Our Organizational Structure and Supply Chains

Hyperreal is a provider of research and development services focused
on the digital domain, with a particular emphasis on social software.
It was incorporated in June, 2019, and is presently headquartered in
Glasgow, UK.

As a new company with less than £80K in annual turn-over, Hyperreal’s
employees come from a global pool of talent, and work as consultants.
Whilst many of our projects relate to the free software movement and
are supported by volunteers, we make a clear distinction between
volunteer work and contract work.  Recruitment for paid contracts
follows ethical recruitment practices.

3. Our Policies

As part of our commitment to combating modern slavery and human
trafficking, we have developed and implemented the following policies:
the Code of Conduct, the Supplier Code of Conduct, the Anti-bribery &
Anti-corruption Policy and the Human Rights Policy.

Code of Conduct. Our code of conduct clearly expresses Hyperreal’s
values and the behaviors expected of employees in their actions on
behalf of the company.  Hyperreal strives to maintain the highest
standards of employee conduct and ethical behavior in all areas where
we do business.

Supplier Code of Conduct. All of Hyperreal’s suppliers must adhere to
our supplier code as a condition for doing business with the
company. The supplier code clearly states Hyperreal’s prohibition on
human trafficking and forced labor in all forms.  Breaches of the
supplier code will result in termination of the business relationship.

Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy. Hyperreal recognizes the
potential links between bribery and corruption and modern
slavery. Hyperreal’s robust policy is communicated to all employees on
a regular basis and to other parties acting on the company’s behalf,
as appropriate.

Human Rights Policy. Hyperreal’s approach to human rights is guided by
international standards. We respect and follow the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises, core Conventions of the International
Labour Organization (ILO), the ILO Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work, and the UN Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.  Our commitment to human rights applies throughout all
aspects of our business and in all geographies where we operate.

In 2023, we will review our anti-slavery and whistleblower policies
and ensure they are communicated to all employees worldwide.  Copies
of our current policies are available to all employees on our company
intranet.  Our Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct and Human
Rights Policy are also available to employees, suppliers and the
public on our corporate website.

4. Due Diligence

To monitor and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking taking
place within our supply chain, Hyperreal has begun the process of
formalizing its risk assessment and due diligence procedures.

The procedures will:

Establish and assess areas of potential risk; Monitor potential risk
areas in our business as well as our supply chain; Mitigate identified
risks; and Provide adequate protection for whistleblowers.

5. Risk and Compliance

Hyperreal will regularly evaluate the nature and extent of its
exposure to the risk of modern slavery occurring in our supply chain
through an ongoing risk assessment process. Where we identify a
potential risk during our assessment process, we will conduct
additional investigation and due diligence, including third-party
audits and alternative sourcing.  We ensure that all our suppliers are
aware of our Supplier Code of Conduct. This code mandates that
suppliers comply with all applicable labor laws and regulations as
well as the conventions of the International Labour Organization. For
example, all supplier employment must be freely chosen. Forced or
bonded labor, human trafficking, forced prison labor, and involuntary
labor through threat, force coercion, confiscation of government
identification, or fraudulent claims are all strictly prohibited under
our supplier code.

6. Effectiveness and Key Performance Indicators

Hyperreal intends to develop key performance indicators to measure our
effectiveness in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking does not
take place in any part of our business or supply chain.

7. Training

We invest in educating our procurement and human resources personnel
to recognize the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our
business and supply chains, and our employees are reminded of their
obligation to report potential breaches of policy, including the Human
Rights Policy. Our training also highlights the benefits of
eradicating slavery and human trafficking as well as the consequences
of failing to do so. Our training is conducted periodically and on an
ongoing basis.

This statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the
U.K. Modern Slavery Act of 2015 for the year 2022.

Joseph Corneli