Frequently Asked Questions
What are the current related offerings and how is what you’re proposing different?
Codata recently raised a $12m Series A, and last year acquired their competitor TabNine. Their smart-code-completion technology shows that contemporary AI can be made relevant to programmers. DeepCode similarly raised a $4M seed round centred on their automated code review tool.
While these developments give a sense of the need, the tools
mentioned do not look across developer interactions on Stack Exchange,
issue trackers, and Slack. They can’t tell you when you’re about to
go down a rabbit hole.
Codota and DeepCode will without a doubt have a good run supporting human programmers. In the short term, there is room to do some things that they aren’t doing! For the long term, we’re pursuing something vastly more ambitious. Our long-term plan is to chart a path towards full-blown AI for programming.
But let’s hold that thought, and have a look at the current state of the art from another angle. Andela provides “engineering-as-a-service” (commonly referred to as offshoring). In order to do this effectively, they spend time and money developing talent, often in partnership with US-based companies. Indeed, Andela has such a dominant position in the talent pipeline that African startups can have trouble finding programmers: everyone is working in offshoring for Andela. In late 2019 they raised $100M.
What if, in the next five years, there were tools that made it became much easier for anyone to gain the skills needed to work as a programmer? What if, in the years following, “engineering-as-a-service” was delivered primarily by bots rather than humans?
Are you, perchance, describing a research project, rather than a VC-fundable startup?
While there is certainly research to be done on the way towards full blown AI for programming, small-scale academic grants alone are not going to result in rapid progress. The problem is rather one of integration.
It is presently possible to find many academic papers that use Stack Exchange data. Quite a few of these take a machine learning angle. However, so far, none put the pieces together to simulate Stack Exchange. Multi-agent simulations are, of course, a thing, but putative Stack Exchange simulators have been geared towards producing nonsense.
Looking elsewhere, although the research literature on argument mining recognises the importance of online fora for discussion, it rarely touches the formal semantics of the underlying language. To connect everything top to bottom, we would need to intertwine argument structure with models of computational objects. There is a good start on the latter in the work of Evan Patterson and colleagues.
As for developing the agent model, the Tangled Program Graphs approach to reinforcement learning developed by Stephen Kelly looks like a particularly good fit for simulating Stack Exchange interactions. There are open source implementations in Python and C++.
In short, absolutely, further R&D needs to be done, but the state of the art in academic research already gives us the pieces we need to add practical value for programmers. And furthermore the necessary research will develop better in an industry setting than it would inside of academia: vide, DeepMind.
If this is such a great idea, why hasn’t it been done before?
Well, Alan Turing had this to say in 1951:
Let us now assume, for the sake of argument, that these machines are a genuine possibility, and look at the consequences of constructing them. To do so would of course meet with great opposition, unless we have advanced greatly in religious toleration from the days of Galileo. There would be great opposition from the intellectuals who were afraid of being put out of a job. It is probable though that the intellectuals would be mistaken about this. There would be plenty to do, trying to understand what the machines were trying to say, i.e. in trying to keep one’s intelligence up to the standard set by the machines, for it seems probable that once the machine thinking method had started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers. There would be no question of the machines dying, and they would be able to converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage therefore we should have to expect the machines to take control, in the way that is mentioned in Samuel Butler’s ‘Erewhon.’
What Turing clearly got right is the core idea of building machines that can converse with each other. That has been validated by DeepMind and others’ work on self-play. The other thing he got right is that it’s not typical to find massive change coming from within incumbents. We will need new institutions and new institutional arrangements to realise Turing’s vision.
By the way, Turing was probably wrong about machines taking over! Elinor Ostrom has a good chance of winning out over Nick Bostrom in the end—that is to say, we can use computational machinery to build better and more explicit, negotiable, models of social institutions, including our relationship with ecological commons.
How is the business defensible?
Let’s keep in mind that Deep Blue wasn’t “defensible”, but it was epoch defining. From a business standpoint our strategy is akin to Amazon’s initial decision to sell books online. Once we build AI for programming we can branch out to other domains, like AI for law, or AI for logistics, or AI for bioinformatics. We can become a leading provider of training and upskilling in these areas. We will win not because the ideas can’t be copied but because we will build the best possible team to deliver the best quality service. To double down on this agenda our aim will be to build the company around open source software. Hopefully that’s not the craziest-sounding proposal in this FAQ! Red Hat’s $34B acquisition shows that an open source strategy can work.
Surely, “developer tools” will appeal to a niche market, and investors won’t be interested?
Well, Jeff Morris Jr. is interested, and recently (April 29, 2020) proposed investment theses around these themes:
- How do you build cult followings via software? Which fringe communities will go mainstream?
- What can we build to make engineers (highest paid knowledge workers) happier & more productive?
645ventures are interested: the Engineering Value Chain Revolution is one of their investment themes.
So why aren’t the established players in tech building this?
In 2012, Semil Shah asked:
Will a company like GitHub blaze a path for other B2D [Business-to-Developer] startups up and down the stack to flood into and create a company to the size and scale of an Adobe, which paired software and service solutions for all kinds of developers?
That doesn’t seem to have happened. What did happen was Microsoft’s strategic acquisition of GitHub in 2018 for a goodly sum.
If Microsoft (or any of the other big players) wanted to make a strategic move towards AI for code, they would be well placed to do so. Already in 2017 they were working on something called “DeepCoder”. using a big data approach. They were learning from code, rather than from the way people write code: however, we learned recently that Facebook has “simulating developer communities” in their sights.